воскресенье, 9 апреля 2017 г.

"jiva-to-jiva" and "jiva-to-Krishna" Love...

The following is the very classic Tika of Shree Gaudiya-Sampradaya. OM VishnuPad Vishwanatha Chakravarti Thakur explains key concepts: perception of Bhagavan Shree Krishna with material senses and The Highest Bhakti Prema. 

The logical chain of this Tika is the following:

"Shree Brihad-Brahma-Samhita", Bhagavan Shree Hari and Shree Goloka...

Brilliant mentioning of Shree Goloka-Siddhanta from "Shree Brihad-Brahma-Samhita". 

The Verse from "Shree Brihad-Brahma-Samhita" is 3.2.52 - गोलोके रमते दिव्ये नित्यमेव हरिःस्वयं - goloke ramate divye nityameva hariHsvayaM

The idea behind this Verse is the following: "Bhagavan Shree Hari eternally Enjoys in Shree Goloka-Dhama because of His Svatantra-Krida".

"Krida" is the crucial concept here, see all the explanations of OM VishnuPad VallabhAcharya regarding Shree Krishna-Leelas or Siddhanta of Shree Ramanuja-Sampradaya regarding "Nitya-Vibhuti".

The cite is from the following Hindi Grantha - "Vaishnava-PanchaRatra-Agama", Katipaya Paksha by Dr. Ram Pyare Mishra:

Reference to the Verse 3.2.52:

Shree Krishna-Ashraya and 10 Shlokas...

Very exquisite explanation of why "Shree Krishna-Ashraya" by OM VishnuPad VallabhAcharya has 10 Shlokas. The cite is from Hindi edition of "Shree Krishna-Ashraya" by Pushti-Marg-Sampradaya: