понедельник, 11 декабря 2017 г.

A mortuary, and am I to amuse myself with things like these???


Shakya Sinha's renunciation:

Shortly before Shakya Sinha's renunciation, some handsome women were introduced into his private apartments in order to seduce him to the pleasures of the world. 

One night when these women were asleep, the Prince began to observe them, and found them lying in all sorts of hideous postures, some with their necks wry, some with mouths drivelling at the corner, some with clattering teeth, and some breaking into unnatural fits of laughter in dream. 

"What is all this" -  said the Prince to himself, "but a mortuary, and am I to amuse myself with things like these?"

Shilhana Misra and the skull of a beautiful woman:

Shilhana Misra at the sight of the skull of a beautiful woman, moralises thus:

“Where is that beautiful face now which was lovely as the lily, where are those honeyed lips, where the sidelong glances of those large eyes, where that soft voice and where those eyebrows captivating as the bow of the god of Love? — so says the wind, whistling through the hollow of the mouth of a dead woman lying in a corner of a broken stretcher in a cremation ground, mocking, as it were, at those who are blind with lust".

Think of this end, and all lust after sensual pleasures will disappear.