понедельник, 9 марта 2015 г.


This site is just perfect. I have found there the electronic edition of "Shree Rahasya-Traya-Sara" with very convenient Table of Contents: 

स्वस्त्ययन for Krishna

स्वस्त्ययन (svastyayana) is very interesting word. Found it in the Verse 10.07.11 of "Shreemad Bhagavatam", then in "Shree Ramayana".

Some arthas:
success, blessing, means of attaining prosperity, mantra recited for good luck or the recitation of such a mantra

"Shree Ramayana":

कृतस्वस्त्ययनं मात्रा पित्रा दशरथेन च। पुरोधसा वसिष्ठेन मङ्गलैरभिमन्त्रितम्।।1.22.2।।
स पुत्रं मूर्ध्न्युपाघ्राय राजा दशरथ: प्रियम्। ददौ कुशिकपुत्राय सुप्रीतेनान्तरात्मना।।1.22.3।।

स: दशरथ: राजा that king Dasaratha, मात्रा by mother, पित्रा दशरथेन च by father Dasaratha (by himself), कृतस्वस्त्ययनम् giving farewell by recitation of mantras for securing prosperity and averting evils, पुरोधसा वसिष्ठेन by priest Vasishta, मङ्गलै: by auspicious, अभिमन्त्रितम् making sacred by recitation of special mantras, प्रियम् पुत्रम् affectionate son, मूर्ध्नि on the forehead, उपाघ्राय having kissed, सुप्रीतेन with a pleased, अन्तरात्मना heart, कुशिकपुत्राय for kusika's son, ददौ delivered Rama (to the care of Viswamitra).

"Rama was given farewell by his parents with recitation of mantras (for securing prosperity and averting evils). Priest Vasishta sanctified him with mantras Dasaratha kissed his son on the forehead and delivered him to the care of Viswamitra, with a heart full of cheer".

Cited sources: 

"Sarartha Darshini by Shrila Vishvanatha Cakravarti Thakura" (LINK TO E-BOOK):

Which Vaikuntha planet did Putana attain? Vatsalya-Bhava and Vatsalya-Moksha of Shreemati Putana-Devi

Om VishnuPad Vishwanatha Chakravarti Thakur in Tika to 10.06.37 dwells on Shreemati Putana-Devi obtaining Vatsalya-Moksha. 

Actually, before reading the Tika of Om VishnuPad Vishwanatha Chakravarti Thakur I reckoned that Shreemati Putana-Devi was destined for rather simplistic kind of moksha. 

But not the case.

As you see

Переела кексов и перепила кофе: рецепт детокс-напитка на укропе и киви

Короче, девчонки, я вчера жутко перепила кофе (9 кружек) и переела кексов (просто не могла остановиться, пока смотрела серии о 51 Шакти-Питхах на Divine India - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDivineIndia). 

А сегодня проснулась в разбитом состоянии, ровно в